Let me share with you some Gibberish…

3 min readNov 9, 2021



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Several years ago I started a vocal practice I call Gibberish. It’s when you speak or sing with all earnestness, in syllables, words and sentences that make no literal sense. I found this practice to be freeing; a pure expression of feelings and thoughts that I didn’t know I had, was only vaguely aware of or didn’t know how to verbalize or want to verbalize in plain language.

When I first shared this with my wife she was worried. She thought I was going off the deep end. I continued, though, because I could feel the authenticity of the expression. I even amplified it by adding movement, sometimes wildly gesticulating in the air in order to fully convey my esoteric meanings.

One day I realized I could write a song exemplifying this practice.

That’s what I share with you today.

Incidentally, this is the first tapping song that I’ve composed.


Let me share with you

Some gibberish

The secret longings of my primal soul

A deep expression from the great unknown

A prayer to all I dare to hold

Don’t need to understand

Just listen

It would do us both some good

Don’t need to understand

Just listen

Let me share with you

Some gibberish

TingZen 2021

Let me tell you what it’s like to speak in gibberish.

It’s like both sides of my brain are side by side trying to get a word in edgewise. My critical mind is saying “ What the hell is this bullshit? “ and my expressive emotional self is saying “ Oooh, this feels so good!”

If you’ve ever used affirmations to improve your experience of your life you probably know that honing in on what you really want and choosing the right words is necessary and sometimes difficult.

With gibberish you only have to have a vague sense of what you want and the syllables create themselves in the process.

You can vent satisfyingly without being specifically negative, you can weave speeches of great aspiration and when you put gibberish to pitch you can sing operas from strange lands that are hauntingly familiar.

Here’s me playing the song.

Click here to join the Facebook Group hosting this song and the nineteen other songs in this set.

If you would like to read the post for the first song click here.

If you would like to read the post for the second song click here.

If you would like to read the post for the third song click here.

If you would like to read the post for the fourth song click here.

If you would like to read the post for the fifth song click here.

If you would like to read the post for the sixth song click here.

Other music from Christopher




Written by ChristopherMacor

My father took bicycles and cars apart and put them back together. I've taken the Universe apart and I'm trying to put it back together.

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