The Tai Chi of Running Part 3

3 min readAug 28, 2021


By now you should have a good sense of your body while running but also be connected with your feelings.

Today I will introduce the head element.

Before we do I need to remind you that you are the captain of your own ship and to decide for yourself if these running instructions are good for you.

The Pineal Gland

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Remember how we started with stretching and the focus of that activity was sensation? Well, we’re going to import that focus into a single point in the head, the pineal gland. This important location is smack dab in the middle of the head.

Feel the sensation there. The sensation can extend all through the body but have the pineal be the epicenter of that field of awareness.

Starting from the beginning…

So to review, we do some stretching like the triangle pose to loosen up our hips and legs and whatever else is calling for flexibility. Focus on the sensation in your body while stretching.

Begin your run with breathing into the Dan Tien. Whatever distance you are running, spend about a third of that distance in the Dan Tien.

Then, add the heart beat for the second third of your distance.

Now for the last third, layer on sensation in the pineal gland. You should still be able to breath into the Dan Tien and feel your heart beating. You may not be able to do these all simultaneously but when you get a good sense of one, move on to another trying to mix them together into a complete embodiment.

Each location is only a reference point for the associated element. The elements can mix freely throughout your body. In other words, you can be feeling sensation in your right big toe, pulse in your Dan Tien, and breathing into your left eyeball. Experiment within the spectrum of strict location to randomness, focusing and allowing, focusing and allowing.


Run that sequence for a week. Notice what happens when you run and the effect of your running when not running.

Next time I will share how to take these six elements and project them outside of the body.

Until then, please comment about your experiences and please clap if you like this article.

If you missed the first two articles, here they are.

Tai Chi of Running

Tai Chi of Running Part 2

Christopher lives Boulder, Co., attended Naropa Institute and has been meditating for 50 years.

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Written by ChristopherMacor

My father took bicycles and cars apart and put them back together. I've taken the Universe apart and I'm trying to put it back together.

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