Your Body’s Own Answer to Stress…
Stress is a killer, one of the most deadly diseases known to man. It affects all of us but it’s especially prevalent amongst entrepreneurs, business people and professionals like yourself. You often have to put in irregular hours and fly by the seat of your pants which can be very stressful!
The health industry has been aware of the dangers of stress for some time and has made progress identifying compounds that aid in stress reduction. Just a few of these are magnesium, iodine, potassium, and vitamin B12.
Urine therapy ( using one’s urine both internally and topically to restore and maintain health) is growing in popularity. People are discovering the benefits of this ancient practice and relying on it especially at this time when the western health industry is becoming more profit driven and clueless when confronted with situations outside the box such as our current pandemic.
What I’d like to share with you in this article is that urine contains, in substantial amounts, the four stress reducing compounds I previously mentioned which makes Urine Therapy one the best ways you can manage your stress and at zero cost to you. Read on to find out more.
It’s a curious thing about our bodies, stress and our immune system. When we are in high stress mode our immune system shuts down. Why is this the case? It is an instinctual override that happens from eons of survival programming. When there is an immediate danger, an in your face threat to your survival, your body relies on your adrenal glands to get you through the ordeal. It is not concerned with fighting off infection or anything else as subtle. The body’s first priority is to get you out of immediate danger. This is why stress is such a killer. It shuts down the immune system!
Homeopathic Feedback Loop
Urine Therapy works for a lot of reasons. One of these reasons is that it’s your own personal homeopathic feedback loop. Your urine reflects your body in its current state. When your urine is reintroduced into your body, it updates your body on what is going on with your body. The more often you drink your urine, the more up to date your body is.
Since the pandemic began, I have been practicing what I call Sip Looping. Every time I urinate I take at least a few sips collected from the stream. The value of Sip Looping is that it’s like a time release vitamin pill. It gives your body what you need, urination to urination. I wouldn’t say it’s meant to substitute for supplements but it gives the best kind of supplement updating to be found.
Keep this idea of supplement updating in mind while we look at each of the six compounds mentioned above and elaborated upon below.
Magnesium has two basic effects on the body.
- It increases GABA which aids in relaxation.
- It affects the hypothalamus which regulates the pituitary and adrenal glands. Both of these organs are responsible for the way we respond to stress.
Magnesium promotes sleep, reduces anxiety, improves mood and increases brain function.
The recommended daily dose of magnesium is 310–420 mg. 120 milligrams of this can be found in urine. By practicing sip looping you can avoid magnesium depletion.
Iodine deficiency is linked with Depression, Anxiety and Brain Fog.
Iodine is responsible for a happy thyroid. The way this works is through the the hormones T3 and T4 secreted by the thyroid. Low levels of these hormones result in low serotonin which increases anxiety.
T3 is needed for optimal GABA production which influences your response to stress.
Also, low levels of T3 and T4 lead to low levels of norepinephrine which results in anxiety.
Iodine must be obtained through diet. However, 90% of dietary iodine is excreted in urine.
A healthy adult needs 150 micrograms of iodine per day. This is the average daily amount found in urine. By practicing sip looping you can keep your iodine level in the healthy range.
Potassium benefits you by keeping your stress down and helping to regulate your blood pressure. You’d be surprised at how much less stressed you’ll feel when your blood pressure is at a healthy level. It also helps to relax your muscles, which keeps you from tensing up and exacerbating situations.
For adults, normal urine potassium values are 1250mg to 6250mg in a 24 hour collection. Lower or higher urinary level may occur depending on the amount of potassium in your diet and the amount of potassium in your body.
The daily requirement is 4,700 mg for adults and children age 4 years and older.
Vitamin B12 brings comfort to our nerves because it is good for the normal functioning of our nerves. It also promotes nerve growth and regenerates nerves that have been stressed. In addition, it gives us energy.
Daily requirement is .06 mg/per.
.03 mg/day is found in urine.
It’s great that science has provided us with such clear facts about what chemicals and what amounts of these chemicals can significantly affect stress. It’s even more wonderful how nature has supplied these compounds for free in our own urine. If you’re interested in starting a Urine Therapy practice and you need some support or guidance, consider joining the Shivambhu (one of the many names for urine therapy) community. Click here to easily get started with this revolutionary practice of self health for free.