I’ve found it very challenging to know what to believe and how to approach daily life during this pandemic.What I’ve arrived at is a way for me to manage the uncertainty inside of me and the hope that by managing the uncertainty of my perspective, the uncertainty outside of me will work itself out.
It’s often been said that life is a dream. If this is true then what is occurring at any point in time can be approached as a dream. In the case of the pandemic, I am approaching it as a Collective Dream.
What are the characteristics of dreams?
One characteristic is dreams have multiple levels of interpretation.
Another is that dreams come in the service of wholeness.
How do theses two principles relate to the pandemic?
Back in March when the democratic presidential race was still going on my wife made an observation. When noticing the huge gaps between the Republicans and Democrats and even between Democrats themselves, it seemed as if a huge ungainly collective baby was trying to be born. This is our wholeness. This is humanity. This is us.
First Principle:
We’re all interpreting this dream differently. Everybody has there opinion. Right from the start. It started from the bats. It started with the monkeys. It started from the meat markets. It started from the 5G roll outs. It started with scientists engineering it themselves.
Every one has their opinion.
And that is as it should be.
Second Principle:
The dichotomies and contentions that are going on, the polarization, is actually an opportunity to become whole. Carl Jung coined the term Enantiodromia, the coming together of opposites. It is the human tendency to side with one of the poles in any contention. Instead Jung suggests to embrace the polarity and hold the tension of the opposites. In doing so a new consciousness is born.
One of the polarities ripping across our collective consciousness is the establishment view vs. the “conspiracy theorists” view. I can feel this tension within my own home.
For me, what it comes down to is that I don’t really know which interpretation is real.
What I do know is that the establishment side of things has a lot more clout and is actually using it’s clout to censor the “ conspiracy theorists “. Regardless of what’s true, I don’t want to live in a society where the establishment decides the information to which I’m exposed. So in this current contention I will spend my efforts on making the anti-establishment views heard.
And, I will hold this polarity and every other polarity that presents itself and trust that holding these opposites will give birth to the humanity that is in desperate need of being born.
I’ve spoken these views to two people and they become triggered. Why is that? Are people holding on to one of the poles so hard that they can’t allow the other opinions. It seems to me that this is what usually goes and it’s magnified because were in survival mode.
I content that we each perceive the dream differently and each perception is valuable. In fact, it’s essential. God is incomplete without each one of us.
What is your perception of the dream and can you have it while allowing others to have theirs?
Paul Levy talks about the Collective Dream and Quantum Reality