Surf the Swirling Universe

2 min readSep 18, 2021



I lay in bed meditating.

I spun my spine in one direction and my body in another.

It occurred to me, this is like creation, spirit and matter swirling in a vortex that we call life.

Then it occurred to me how our minds, identified with our bodies, like to categorize the contents of this vortex. We see life as pain or pleasure, as good or bad, because we try to protect ourselves from life. We want to allow the good stuff and keep away the bad. Our entire system of inner selves is based on this egoic preoccupation. Primary selves protect and gather the good. Disowned selves are denied because they are so susceptible to the pain. Meanwhile life just keeps churning chaotically, doing it’s thing, the way it’s meant to.

What if we could learn to engage in the churning?

What if we could see beyond our bodies, our egos, enough to entertain this swirling of the Universe. What if we could proactively enter into this vortex and learn the twists and turns? What if we could learn to be in the chaos like a surfer in the sea?

image source

We are a model of the Universe. We have this swirling of spirit of matter within us.

Can you navigate your inner surf?

Watch the associated vlog

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See what Exirmaan has to say about this




Written by ChristopherMacor

My father took bicycles and cars apart and put them back together. I've taken the Universe apart and I'm trying to put it back together.

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