EMF- Boiling Frogs or Sudden Catastrophe?

3 min readNov 14, 2020

Last week I set up an apple bluetooth keyboard and mouse on my iMac. I was leery but I really like the feel of apple keyboards. I was noticing a little memory stuff going on with me but nothing that made me worry.

Yesterday I couldn’t get my other desktop with a wired keyboard working on Zoom so I switched to the iMac. By the end of the two hour session I felt like I had had a lobotomy.

I’m part of a local group called Coloradans for Safe Technology. I had heard from one particular member how sensitive she is to EMF and how debilitating it is for her to be exposed to EMF. I had respect for her experience but I did not really know what it was like to be in her shoes.

Yesterday was an eye opener for me. After my sessions I tried to do some studying and I could not relate to the notes I had taken the day before. I sat for nearly 45 minutes in befuddlement. I felt afraid and angry. I’m still recovering from these feelings today.

I’ve noticed a gradual diminishment in my memory over the last few years. I’ve assumed the wifi in our home is probably the cause but it wasn’t happening drastically enough for me to really get concerned.

Yesterday changed all that. If my experience is true for most people, there is a gradual effect we are experiencing regarding EMF pollution ( which includes cell phone radiation, wifi, bluetooth and now 5G). This effect is like frogs slowly boiling to death in water.

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On the other hand, there is what I experienced yesterday. Suddenly there is saturation resulting in drastic symptoms that change life radically.

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Either way, whether you’re sensitive or resilient, whether you’ve personally reach a sudden cognitive health crisis or you’re slowly boiling like a frog in water, we’re heading toward a great diminishment of our mental faculties not to speak of our bodily health. And at what cost? Is the ultra convenience of smart phone coverage, blue tooth devices and smart cars worth the threat to the greatest device in our possession, our brains? And this is not to mention the kind of surveillance who’s way is being paved by 5G.

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I like technology. There are certain things about it that I find really helpful. Like having the ability to find the answer to virtually any question right at our fingertips. But if the technology itself and how it’s being delivered is truncating our ability to think the questions that help us to evolve, then I believe there needs to be a better balance between our health and this technology. I believe the future of technology and the effect it has on humanity needs to be decided by us and not the industry that makes the technology.

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What is your experience with EMF pollution?

Coloradans for Safe Technology




My father took bicycles and cars apart and put them back together. I've taken the Universe apart and I'm trying to put it back together.