Divine Tribe the Band and the Evolution of Humanity
It’s a pretty big name we’ve chosen, Divine Tribe.
What I’ve realized is this band is a symbol for humanity becoming a Divine Tribe. All the effort, progress and processing that goes on as we rehearse towards bringing this music to you, effects us, but you as well. What’s more, I’ve realized the band is a vehicle for the evolution of not only each of us in the band and each of you in the audience but the evolution of all humanity. At least this is my intention.
More specifically I’ve realized there is basically three kinds of development going on, Competence, Compassion and Consciousness, the 3 Cs. For me, as the band has rehearsed, what I am learning most is compassion. I have the need to be competent. I can be a demanding task master. On the contrary, I’ve come to understand, what would be most helpful for the band and myself is to be a person who inspires my fellow band members to greatness. This is what a good leader does and he does it through empathy and compassion. By caring about people rather than performance, I give the band what it really needs to achieve competence and I get to evolve into a person who is competent, conscious but also compassionate. In the process of bringing this music to you I become a complete person and a better member of Divine Tribe, the band, and Divine Tribe, the evolution of humanity.
In closing I ask you to contemplate where your need for development lies. Is it to to be more competent in the physical realm, more compassionate in the emotional realm or more conscious in the realm of awareness? Then, being responsible for our own development and how it effects the people around us, we can join together in the evolution of the Divine Tribe that we are becoming.
Thank you,
We will be giving a concert Sat. 9/19 at 4pm in NE Boulder.
Click here for more info