When people tell me this I feel there’s something missing from our response to this pandemic. I decided to throw the I Ching about the virus. The reading is below.
The I Ching is an ancient oracle from China. I Ching translates as “ The Book of Changes”. I have used the I Ching for decades in my life. It helps me discern indiscernible things. I use it before making important decisions and when I want to move forward with something but there are factors that cannot be known in ordinary ways. The I Ching will suggest a way forward based on the intention I hold in my conscious and unconscious mind. Note: it’s important to throw the I Ching when you are relatively untroubled. Otherwise, you can consciously ask a question but the oracle will pick up what’s going on in your unconscious, which may be totally unrelated to your conscious question.
You begin the I Ching with a question, but not a question that asks for a yes or no answer. The I Ching does not really give yes and no answers. It gives the result of a particular action. For instance, if I asked about buying a house I would not ask, “Will buying this house be good for me?”. Rather I would ask, “What would be the result of buying this house?”
Because we’re living in the digital age, there is no longer a need for coins when you throw the I Ching. You can do it online, with six pushes of a button. The result will be a hexagram, one of 64 different configurations of solid and broken lines stacked from the bottom up. Some of these lines might be changing. There is further information received from these changing lines and these changing lines cause the hexagram to transform into another hexagram. This new hexagram gives a final outcome.
The question was, “ How do I proceed with the coronavirus? “ The answer was Hexagram 23, with lines 1, 3, 4 and 5 changing into hexagram 13.
Hexagram 23 is entitled “Splitting Apart”. In general this is a hexagram about dissolution. This reading has a lot of changing lines. There is a method used to read multiple changing lines. Often when there are a lot of changing lines it’s actually an unchanging line that takes precedence in the interpretation. In this case it’s line 6. It talks about the superior or noble man gaining while the inferior or petty man suffering demise. It also suggests to “ find a way to recharge the primordial while in the midst of the temporal “. Hexagram 13, the final outcome is entitled “ Fellowship”.
This reading suggests two things to me. One is that if our intention is nobel, i.e., if we have the greater good of humanity at heart then we will be supported, where as, if we are petty and think only of ourselves then our kingdom will be split apart. The second thing suggested is for you and I to bolster our immune systems.
I felt there was something missing in the way people are reacting to the coronavirus. I asked the I Ching to get clarity. The reading confirmed my feeling. One of the missing pieces is altruism. Altruism is an energy that is positive and can create better results. In addition boosting your immune system is an important factor when fighting illness.
Just to be clear, I am not suggesting that we should not take precautions regarding infection. What I am suggesting is that our intention for the greater good and a strong immune system may also serve us and the rest of the world.